Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Why We Do This Sport

Why Do We Event?

Is it the countless hours spent out at the barn? Is it the rushed preparation for horse shows? Is it the long nights hanging out with your horse because you fear they might be colicing (Hypothetically speaking of course!). I’m assuming the answer is no, not necessarily. However we do these things on a regular basis because we LOVE this sport. We love the horses, the people, the adrenaline rush, and the memories that we make along the way.

Eventing is unique in the sense that it is a very hands-on discipline. We take round-the-clock care of our horses at shows, groom the horses ourselves, and warm them up to show. It makes the reward that much greater when the effort is put in yourself rather than just showing up and riding. I might be speaking for myself when I say that it makes me the happiest person to spend time with my horse after I come off cross country. Helping them cool down and giving them treats while they sit in their ice boots literally gives me joy after that horse just crossed the finish line for me. The work that we invest is put into perspective when we realize how much harder our horses work for us. Getting that ribbon, whether blue, red, yellow, etc. is just the icing on the cake. The love for this sport stems from the appreciation of all of the dynamic aspects.

Another reason I love this sport is because of the people and friends that I have met along the way. It doesn't really matter whether I've just met someone or have known them for years, "eventers" are great people and even better friends. The last horse show I attended, a theory of mine proved to be correct. Whether I've just met someone that weekend, or have been great friends with them for years, everyone seems to be a small family around the horse shows. At Copper Meadows in early June, I not only got to spend time with a best friend that I have known for what seems like forever, but I also became friends with some new people as well. These are the people that will be cheering you on while you gallop by on cross country, and hang out with you at the barn by the horses late at night. The lasting friendships are unlike any other you try to find in other sports.

Eventing in unlike any other sport that I am familiar with. It seems like it doesn’t matter whether you are a professional, an adult amateur, or a young rider that just started showing, everyone does this sport because they LOVE every aspect of eventing. I don't know what personally made me love this sport, whether it was the people, the horses, or the competition, but I do know that this is a sport worth every drop of blood, sweat, and tears that we all put into it.