Friday, September 23, 2016

Bit of Britain's Next Top Rider

Bit of Britain's Next Top Rider

I'd like to start off by saying that eventing, let alone horseback riding in general was never in my agenda as a child. I never grew up in a home where everyone rode horses and I was just jumping on the family bandwagon: neither of my parents rode horses. One day my mom gifted my sister with riding lessons for her birthday. After my sister fell in love with riding lessons, my mom (sort of) forced me to hop on a horse. Little did my mother know that eight years later we would be five horses deep and competing all over the west coast. I started my riding career as a western pleasure rider after my parents bought me my first horse (a 7 year old quarter horse that was in training to barrel race. I know, it was a disaster!). We ultimately failed at western pleasure and when my trainer caught me one too many times peaking into the jump ring during my lesson and not paying attention, I was put into an english saddle. After the first jump on one of my trainer's lesson horses, I never looked back. 

January 2010, My first Jumper Show with Dakota

My name is Nicholas Madsen, I live in Cave Creek, Arizona. I am a sophomore at Grand Canyon University here in Arizona. I live at home while going to the University to take care of 5 horses and ride my preliminary event horse, B'Ambitious (her barn name is Boots: I know, how cute?!). I am currently a sophomore taking junior and senior classes at Grand Canyon University, working towards my Bachelors in Biology. Along with being a full time student and riding my horse, I work at a restaurant. Trying to balance it all is sometimes hard, but its all worth it when I cross that finish line after an amazing cross country round. 

B'Ambitious (Boots) and I at our first Preliminary at Copper Meadows in 2014

B'Ambitious (Boots) and I at Copper Meadows Preliminary in 2016

Bit of Britain is one of the best tack and equipment providers for eventers, with high quality products for any level of rider. If its your first show or your first three star, Bit of Britain has everything you would need to cross the finish line, sound and happy! I should be Bit of Britain's Next Top Rider because I am a motivated rider, student, and worker. I am very passionate about every aspect of the event horse from the morning feed, to the right saddle fit, to the best tack providers in the industry. Bit of Britain is the best provider for the quality tack that eventers need. I would be extremely happy to represent the brand that is Bit of Britain and would like to thank them for providing this opportunity to young, aspiring riders. 


  1. So proud of you and your acoplishments!!! Good luck I know you can do it!!!!

  2. You are an amazing rider, and an amazing person. As a mother of a boy who is also learning how to ride English and jump, I know my son admires your accomplishments. You set the bar high and encourage others to meet you there. You are the perfect representative of Bit of Britain's next top rider.

  3. Nick - I haven't seen you since you were a young boy, but your Mom has kept me posted on how you're doing and has shared pics of you & Danielle with your horses. Needless to say... she is very proud of you. What a great young man you've grown up to be. Congrats on your accomplishments, and on being such a driven and responsible young adult.

  4. Nick is a phenomenal rider and I love seeing where he has gone with his passion for horses. He is not just talented but a skilled horseman and would represent this brand perfectly.
